Slide Music WordPress Theme Changelog

Please check the full changelog for Slide Music WordPress Theme:


-- v1.0.9.8 ----
    - new option added to duplicate existing event post as draft
    - add new option to single video page builder element to show the video details
    - add new option to music player element to download or purchase the media file from a custom link
    - add event location to the event schema markup
    - extend the two events page builder elements to show a specific message when no events are available
-- v1.0.9.7 ----
    - small fix regarding the upcoming events template
    - small fix rearding venue URL on single event template
    - new option added to contact form page builder element, to customize the text on submit button
    - add post navigation for video taxonomy page
    - update Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.1.8)
-- v1.0.9.6 ----
    - small fix regarding the mobile menu
    - update WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.1)
    - small improvement related to contact form email content
-- v1.0.9.5----
    - add pagination for gallery page template
    - add Open Graph meta tags to the theme
    - small fix regarding back to top functionality
    - add new option to events list page builder element, to filter events by month
-- v1.0.9.4----
    - update Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.1.3)
    - small speed improvement regarding the next events page builder element
-- v1.0.9.3----
    - update WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.0.5)
    - update Slider Revolution to the latest version (6.0.9)
    - add Bandcamp as new option for social profiles
    - change the way that links to social icons are shown in mobile view
    - add new option for artists page builder element to show categories list
    - improve multi day event handling
-- v1.0.9.2----
    - update WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (6.0.3)
    - small fix related to WPML
    - small compatibility fix related to font size customizer control
    - improve the event countdown page builder element functionality for multi day events
    - add optional GDPR consent field for the built in contact form and MailChimp subscription form
    - remove Google+ from the social profiles settings
-- v1.0.9.1----
    - update WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version (5.7)
-- v1.0.9----
    - new customizer options for menu items size and page title and subtitle size
    - new options for albums page builder element that control the text properties
    - new option for the music player page builder element
-- v1.0.8----
    - small fix regarding mobile menu
    - update WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version
    - php 7.2 compatibility changes
    - small fix regarding the countdown timer
-- v1.0.7----
    - updated WooCommerce template according to the latest plugin version
    - update WPBakery Page Builder to the latest version
    - improve the music player scrollbar styling
    - fix regarding search functionality
    - add new option to show event date year in the events list
    - music player fix - autoplay the next song after the current ends
    - small fix regarding the music player buy button
    - add Spotify and Apple Music to the available artist social profiles
    - small fix regarding the copyright area
    - add new option regarding the contact form
    - small fix regarding the buy buttons on single album template
    - small fix regarding the buttons on cart page
    - small fix regarding the quantity field color on cart page
    - improve compatibility with Gutenberg plugin
-- v1.0.6----
    - small fix regarding the thunder demo import data
    - fix the custom header background image functionality
    - make events sort-able by event date in admin screen
    - small fix on artists page template regarding the multiple row artist title
    - automatically show assigned artists on the single event page
-- v1.0.5----
    - update the premium plugins to their latest versions
    - update WooCommerce templates according to the latest version
    - small fix regarding music player element behavior in the front end editor
-- v1.0.4----
    - add new theme options regarding the footer area
    - add new option to the music player page builder element
    - new demo - Dark Moon - added to the importer
-- v1.0.3----
    - add new page builder element to show the latest albums - vinyl style
    - add new page builder element to show events - cards layout style
    - add new dedicated page builder element for section subtitle
    - small fix regarding the responsive shop layout
    - small fix regarding the masonry gallery
    - new demo - Mix - added to the importer
-- v1.0.2.1----
    - small fix regarding the Thunder demo
-- v1.0.2----
    - fix hamburger icon color for mobile menu
    - fix the overlapping song name on the music player element
    - add new promo/buy options for the music player element
    - add new layout option for the contact form page builder element
== v1.0.1=
    - small fix on the music player page builder element
    - small fix on the video page builder element
    - new demo - Thunder - added to the the importer
    - improvements on the importer functionality
== v1.0=
    - Initial Release

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